Saturday, February 2, 2013

The new 8E Quarterly Subscription Series!

For the past few months, I've been concentrating more on Eight Emperors, the art & design collection my husband Matt and I started, and creating prototypes for new products (hits and misses), than on my art studio work. For me, it is a slightly different thought process than trying to make installation and large scale sculpture work. Though I did just finish the new Roald Amundsen biography titled The Last Viking by Stephen Bown, which was riveting. So that has my mind beginning to churn with some new ideas.
What Matt and I are both really excited about is the new 8E Quarterly Subscription series we just launched! It's an idea we've thrown around for a while and were able to make real through Eight Emperors. It is the act of subscribing to, and in this case, curating, art & design into one's life 4 times a year instead of magazines.
The first piece for Spring, titled We are building, features a paper piece. Then the Summer is wood, the Fall is ceramic, the Winter is a collaboration between paper and wood, and then it rotates back to paper in 2014. So you can sign up anytime during the year and receive that quarter's piece. And similar to a magazine, where the content is new yet you know what type of magazine you are getting, the quarterly pieces are a surprise and created in the same vein as pieces in our regular collection.
The quarterly pieces are exclusive to those who sign up, and not available on our website until 4 months after they have launched and shipped and also at a premium rate. You can sign up on our collection's website

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