Friday, October 24, 2008

A walk in the woods

My friend and I drove outside of Copenhagen yesterday after work to this huge park about 20 minutes outside of the city, with a lake and lots of trails.

We started from the Sophiesholm museum's parking lot, which is about 100 feet from the Prime Minister's home. There wasn't a single gate or guard with guns or anything around his house! Just a hedge row! You could have driven right into this driveway and up to his front door! We thought about doing this since he loves America so much, I figured he might welcome me! Or not....

We followed the lake for a while and then cut into the woods and out to the river that runs beside it.

There were a lot of people running on the trails and the weather was that Autumn crisp evening air.

The leaves have really come down here in the past 2 weeks. It was nice to see some actual Fall color in the woods!

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